Naomi’s Family Feedback

PostedWednesday, 12th September, 2012
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My names Naomi and I have secondary Breast Cancer. I was contacted by THHN to offer me a holiday. It came at the perfect time for me and my family as I was totally exhausted and fed up with the same old routine of hospital appointments, pain and being ill!

We arrived at Fancy’s Cottage in Dartmouth on a lovely sunny Saturday afternoon in March. The view as we got out of the car was breathtaking! We could see the sea without even having to go anywhere. The view wasn’t the only thing that was breath taking. The cottage we were staying in was fantastic. Lots of space and the cutest lounge which overlooked the kitchen. You really felt all snugly up there watching the TV of an evening.

In the kitchen when we arrived was a jam packed hamper of goodies. There were cupcakes, a selection of meat, locally grown fruit and veg, freshly baked breads, pastries and chocolate brownies which were soft and gooey just the way we like them. This was a total surprise to us, we had been planning to go and pick up provisions at the local supermarket when we got unpacked.

Vicky who owns the cottage came to greet us and handed us an envelope from Luke at THHN. It included lots of vouchers and leaflets which entitled us to lots of free things. There was a day trip at Woodlands, a free massage, a Photo shoot, a cream tea, fish and chips, a voucher for trips on the car ferry and lot lots more. We actually had to write an itinerary to try and fit it all in.

We sat in the lounge the first evening, my little boy fast asleep in bed, thinking about how lucky we were to have been given such a special break, whilst watching DVD’s and gorging on brownies!

The following morning we headed into Dartmouth to have a little look around which was lovely. Both our families came down to have a look at where we were staying and we went to The Apprentice, a brilliant restaurant just down the road from the cottage. The food was delicious. Well worth a visit.

On another day we went to the fish and chip shop in Babbacome. They were also delicious. We also went to bygones. I’ve lived in Devon for many years and it is somewhere I’ve always wanted to go. It didn’t disappoint, the displays of items from years gone by was fascinating, along with sound affects to match it was a brilliant experience.

Out of the whole week I think the best bit for us was the photo shoot we had. We met the photographer as arranged on promenade just as the sun was going day. We had lots of fun and giggles doing the shoot and the photos that arrived after our holiday were perfect. Photos for us are so important as my life is limited. These are the things that will last forever.

At the end of our week at the cottage we were so disappointed to be going home but we all felt so much better for getting more fresh air and exercise and most of all having no house work to do and just being able to relax, something that we never ever do.

We have made some amazing memories that we will look back fondly on for many many years to come.

Thank you THHN for giving us such a treat, that without you we would never have afforded to do.


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