Turner Family Feedback

PostedMonday, 2nd September, 2013
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I would like you to print a big thank you to The THHN ( Torbay Holiday Helpers Network). This is a fantastic Charity with Fantastic sponsors who give their time services to make holiday memories for Parents/Children that are terminally ill or recovering or bereaved.

This is our story by the Turner family.

Paul (my husband) was diagnosed with Kidney cancer at the age of 49. Two years ago this month he had his left kidney removed. We were hopeful that we had caught it… 12 months later it has spread to Lungs and chest and is now Terminal, as you can imagine we are all devastated with the thought of losing our wonderful Husband, Father and Granddad.

Whilst surfing through the internet I came across the THHN website and through Luke their founder and all their sponsors we enjoyed a lovely 5 day break last week in beautiful Buckfast Abbey.

We travelled down on Monday from Northamptonshire and decided to pass Stonehenge so our journey took 5 hours. We arrived at Buckfast Abbey at 3.30pm and was shown to Avila House a beautiful 4 bedroom detached house in the Abbey Grounds. On arrival we received a massive Fruit and Veg hamper from Riverford, some fresh bred/buns from the local bakery and some fresh meat from the Butcher. We also had a blue folder from THHN when we opened this about thirty leaflets fell out, on reading the letter from THHN it was obvious that lots of local firms/businesses and restaurants were offering their services free. We were so overwhelmed by the generosity of all these “strangers”. We sat down and because we only had 4 days to fit as much as we could we did plan. Tuesday we took time to visit the Beautiful Abbey then off to Hanburys Fish Restaurant for a Fabulous Meal the staff were so kind and Joshua our 12 year old was very impressed, next we had tickets to see Spell Bound at the local Theatre and this was so funny and very good we all thoroughly enjoyed this and of course we didn’t get back home till 11pm. Wednesday we decided to go to the butterfly house and Otter sanctuary before going on the Steam train to Totnes and back, we had time to eat the Roast Chicken I had prepared before heading off to the Apollo Cinema to see Justin, then we visited a few amusement arcades before heading home. Thursday as we was getting ready to head out for another fun filled day Joshua commented that he thought we was on holiday to have a rest, ” No” Joshua was my reply, We are holiday to make memories! so off we went to The Kent Caves which were fab and Joshua had to take us to another part of the caves while the tour guide turned the lights off behind us which he really enjoyed. we headed off to the Cliff Railway CafĂ© for Lunch and received great service from the lovely ladies before heading down the railway to the beach for a little rest and Ice cream before heading off to Torbay Hotel and Leisure complex for a swim before dinner at weather spoons in Paignton then home. Friday up and packed with heavy hearts before we set off home one last visit and this was to Crealy’s before our Journey home.

A massive thank you to all the above organisations that gave every thing free and to the rest of the sponsors that we didn’t use, we would have needed another 2 weeks ( which we really wouldn’t have minded).

Paul and I are so over whelmed that people give so freely to good causes and as a very private humble man Paul was so touched at every ones kindness. Thank you Luke and all your helpers.

With lots of Happy and fun memories lots of love The Turner Family x

I hope you print this as we as so very grateful to this charity.

Kind regards Tracey Turner


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