White Family Feedback

PostedFriday, 12th July, 2013
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Just wanted to write a note to you to let you know how amazing and invaluable our THHN holiday was.

Having just moved into a bungalow we would not have been able to afford a holiday this year so we were very excited by the opportunity to have a holiday. We could never have imagined how special, truly wonderful and uplifting an opportunity this would be.

This is not just a holiday it is a real lifetime experience. Emily was chuffed and had an immense sense of pride that something positive had come from her illness. Emily is selfless she is aware of the impact her illness has on everyone and the limits on what we can do as a family.

We felt very at home at the Hotel de la mar. We had a warm welcome and all the staff were genuinely very kind and friendly. The food was amazing and the rooms were cosy, Emily was at ease straight from the word go. This is very important to us as if she was unsettled we would have spend all of our time in the toilets and she would not have slept.

We went on various trips out and Emily was made to feel ‘like a princess’ everybody we met made her feel like a million dollars, especially in Cockington. Everybody took the time to talk to and listen to Emily, who loves talking to people but few people have the patience or time to listen to her. Money cannot buy this kind of experience or the positive impact it has had on Emily’s self esteem. This holiday has truly restored our faith in human nature. We have never before come across people so accepting of a disabled person and happy to help. We had the confidence to go out and explore without mapping out everything with military precision.

Emily hasn’t got friends to socialise with or opportunities for experiences outside of her home life. This has given her load of memories to re-live when talking to family or people at school. The memory book is a very good idea, especially as Emily can suffer for memory problems, and is something we will treasure forever.

Words cannot really do justice to demonstrate all our feelings towards this experience and its impact on Emily and our family.

Please feel free to use this letter in any way you feel helps to support the charity.

Thank you so much

Kind Regards
Sarah, Matt, Emily and Gracie White.


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