Williams Family Feedback

PostedTuesday, 29th November, 2011
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I wanted to write to say a big thank you from the Williams Family – you often don’t know how much you need a break until you’ve had one!

Our thank you’s……… To all the staff at the Hotel De La Mer in Babbacombe, the food was delicious, our rooms clean and everyone treated us so very well. To all the attractions – Babbacombe Cliff Railway, Dartmoor Otter & Butterfly Sanctuary, Becky Falls, Waves Leisure Pool at the Riviera Centre and Kents Caverns.

To those who very kindly fed us – The Cliff Railway Cafe and Hanburys famous fish restaurant, we were so sorry we missed the cream tea at Angels in Babbacombe but there was only so much time.

I also want to say a big thank you to Babbacombe Theatre, the show (what I saw of it as Sophie was a little tinker!) was great. The girls danced in the aisles from begining to end. The DVD has been played almost daily and Amy can do the chorus of the ‘Flights For 50p’ song perfectly! ‘Lady Gaga’ (Holly) is also a huge favourite followed by ‘Shrek’. The ballet performance is being copied throughout the house and entertains guests while we chat.

As you are aware Sophie our youngest is still monitered for Retinoblastoma an eye cancer, having lost her right eye to the condition. We are in the wonderful position of not (currently) requiring more drastic treatment such as chemotherapy. We feel very proud of our privilleged little girl, to not have the troubles many parents of children have to go through.

This past two years have been very difficult for us, prior to Sophie’s diagnosis both Steve and my parents have been through cancer (different types). Sophie’s cancer was diagnosed in July, her eye removed on the 20th. Four days later she broke her collar bone after taking a corner too quickly becuase she had misjudged it due to her eye recently being removed. As this was on the mend she caught Chicken Pox and then her sister Amy had it too! All very rapid, so rapid that as parents we didn’t really have time to take a breath to digest the primary event!

Jane, Steve, Amy & Sophie Williams


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