Well, we ended April with the fantastic Team THHN runners excelling at the Plymouth Half Marathon and we hit the ground running as May starts. Before the first weekend in May is over, Luke will have run 100 miles and the Warburton gang will have cycled over 100 miles. Exhausted just thinking about it? Take a few minutes to relax and read more about their antics along with what everyone else got up to in April. And this month Prime Minister, David Cameron, gets a mention too…..
Plymouth Half Marathon
Well what a day it was. A mixed bag weather wise but a great day for fundraising and team spirit. Thanks so much to the organisers of this lovely event for making us an affiliated charity and, of course, to our terrific team of runners who were organised impeccably by Race Manager, Rebecca Davies and Fundraising Manager, Brian Lewis. Thanks also to everyone who contributed to our post-race goody bags for each runner, including Teddy Mountain, 100% Health, Total Produce Devon and Angels Team Rooms. Have a look on our Facebook page for some great pics of the team. Our running team is always delighted to welcome new faces. If you’d like to join us please get in touch. We can help with training and give all sorts of helpful advice if you need it. Our next special event for runners is the Torbay Half Marathon on Sunday 29 June. If you’d like to run for the THHN please e-mail rebecca@thhn.co.uk who will tell you everything you need to know.
Luke’s 100 miles
So, the big day is nearly here. Luke will start this incredible trail race in London on Saturday 3 May. Then, it’s just the small matter of running 100 miles along the Thames path all the way to Oxford! With 350 competitors from 16 nations this day is the culmination of months of training for Luke all to raise money for the THHN bungalow project which will enable the THHN to provide holidays for those families with high level care needs that we just can’t cater for at present. Luke really does lead from the front and if you would like to sponsor him on this epic challenge please go to http://www.justgiving.com/Luke-Tillen1
Memory Maker Caravan
Our Memory Maker Caravan, donated by the Miss England Beauty Pageant team, continues to provide a truly wonderful place for our families to holiday. Nestled in the gorgeous Finlake Holiday Park it’s warm, comfortable and a real holiday haven. Not only that but it’s now home to a brand new XBOX 360 very kindly donated by Jo Morrison and her colleagues from Exeter University’s Retail Department. It’s also looking fantastic with newly stained decking, thanks to our marvellous caravan cleaner, Artur, who spent Easter getting it all freshened up. During April a family referred by the Lifetime Service and one referred by the Plymouth CLIC Sargent team both got to call it home for a week and, judging by the letter of thanks they left behind, we can safely say that this is one holiday home that is worth its weight in gold to so many people.
Hanbury’s Fish and Chips on the Downs
It’s back again this year and we’re delighted to be David Hanbury’s chosen charity again on Sunday 22 June when it all takes place in the spectacular Babbacombe Festival Marquee on Babbacombe Downs. The amazing line-up includes The Stone Angels, The Land of the Giants and the fantastic Mama Stone’s House Band. This year the event will be entry by ticket which will be on sale from Hanbury’s in Princes Street in the weeks leading up to the event. The ticket price will include admission to the Marquee as well as Festival fish and chips from Hanbury’s (available between midday and 6pm). Tickets are £10 for adults and £6 for children (aged 3-10). For more information visit www.babbacombefestival.com and www.hanburys.net01803 314616
Warburtons’ Wheels
Don’t forget, this Friday 2 May our six Warburtons fundraisers will start their 110 mile cycle from Warburtons in Newton Abbot to Warburtons in Bristol. It’s a great challenge and we hope it goes wheely well for them (sorry, we couldn’t resist!). If you’d like to support them please visit their fundraising page at http://www.justgiving.com/6warbysride
Torquay Legends Football Match – Saturday 10 May. Tickets for the match are just £3 each and are on sale at the Sportsman’s Arms pub on Laburnum Street, the Bombay Express on Belgrave Road, Torre Trophies and Alberts Bar on Belgrave Road. Should be a fun, family day out.
Cockington Revival (Miss Ivy Event) – Saturday 31 May and 1 June
Babbacombe Rotary Fayre – Wednesday 18 June
Hanbury’s Music Festival – Sunday 22 June
Torbay Half Marathon – 29 June
Wigfest – 1 August to 4 August

The Hotel De La Mer who welcomed a family from the Bristol CLIC Sargent team.
Riverford Torbay and South Hams, Teddy’s Cakes, D&H Fisheries, Save on Meats, Total Produce Devon, Claire’s Cakes, Over the Rainbow Cake Design and Hallets the Bakers for all the delicious goodies they gave to our holidaying families.
Everyone involved in our fun run promo photo shoot which took place on Babbacombe Downs. A medley of mini Memory Makers, the wonderful Dougie Worthington of Peacock Dreams Photography and Kate and Ed from the Downs Hotel who gave everyone free refreshments. The fun run itself takes place on Paignton Green on 29 June. STOP PRESS!!! Our amazing friends at Pennywell Farm have stepped in to sponsor THHN for this event! More details to follow soon!
Carrie Darby for running the London Marathon for us.
THHN volunteers Carolanne & Neil who spent Good Friday cleaning and sorting out our storage lock up.
The Babbacombe Bay Marketing Group who donated their left over funds after closing the group. A cheque for £787.10 was presented to Luke.

The Marine Hotel in Paignton who ran a raffle for us with all their Tinsel and Turkey trippers last year. They raised a tinsel-tastic £1460.
Luke Tillen went to meet Prime Minister, David Cameron, in Downing Street a couple of weeks ago. What a fantastic opportunity to spread the word about the work of the THHN.